SEER is the digital version of analog switchers from years ago.
With SEER, users can deliver content to any connected Aegis workstation, in any location, at any time. No special hardware required. SEER utilizes simple IP communication to send live and recorded video, websites, Aegis dashboards, and documents to panes with the simple click of a mouse.
SEER provides out-of-the-box integration of VMS systems from any manufacturer. Camera views, with live and/or recorded video, can be combined into salvos or tours, activated by users or events from any system connected to the Aegis core. Video walls use off-the-shelf monitors and hardware, allowing Aegis users to control the displays from any workstation.
From the Aegis client, users can utilize Chase Scenes, which provides a 3×3 view of nearby cameras, allowing operators to follow events by clicking video panes in the direction of movement. Aegis calls the nearest cameras to an alarm location automatically.
SEER is included with every Aegis system and requires minimal setup. Aegis detects cameras automatically from the integrated video systems. Users can assign them to SEER within minutes.
- PTZ via hardware joysticks
- Ability to configure and activate tours using any camera on the system
- Create a preset tour using a single-camera
- Powerful salvo capabilities
- Video switching from hardware keyboards
- Fully integrated with Aegis (works with any Aegis video driver)